Tuesday, 15 May 2012

cpd23: The first thing

So here I am.  Having eventually got my head around the cpd23 'thing' that I kept reading about last year, I've decided to participate this year.  Cue much trauma around setting up a blog...hmmm, I really could benefit from this I think!  

I'm most looking forward to learning about different online tools and taking the time to get to grips with them properly.  I like to think that I'm fairly web-savvy, but I know that there is so much out there that I don't know about that would probably make my job a lot easier.  Working in education, I'd also like to be a step ahead (or at least inline with) the young people around me, if only to prove to them that I'm not some old fogey who thinks books are the only way forward.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shona.
    I've just signed up, am on Thing 2 and enjoying the whole process.

