Thursday, 17 May 2012

Thing 2: Indulging my naturally inquisitive side

Thing 2 was a dream come true - an excuse to have a good nosey around other people's blogs.  I've lurked on several blogs for a while now, as well as a host of twitter accounts, forums, you name it.  Which when I see it written down makes me feel like a total stalker!

Reading the blogs it seems that I am not alone in this.  I don't know why I choose to lurk rather than contribute.  Logically, I know that my opinions are as valid as anyone else's, but my natural shyness seems to take over.  This is something that I will try hard to overcome.  Having a dialogue with other librarians can only be of benefit to my professional development, and, who knows - maybe what I have to say will help someone else.  Really, what have I got to lose?  I've taken some tentative first steps today with a couple of comments on blogs.  It wasn't so hard, so watch this space!

I haven't quite worked out how to follow blogs yet, so that's my task for tomorrow. 


  1. Hi Shona, yes I know the feeling and I am "lurking" around blogs too! Nothing wrong with that - but I am trying to add a few comments now so people know I am there...

  2. As librarians, I feel like we are constant lurkers -- not necessarily into the commenting side of it so much as the read side of it. As for following blogs -- it used to be much easier. In Google's Dashboard, go to the Layout Tab, and get the gadget "Following" widget. You can see what it looks like on my sidebar.

    Here's Google's explanation:

    1. ...And that wasn't a great explanation, because I only explained how to get the thing that lets people follow YOU more easily.

      To follow someone else's blog who doesn't have this thing on their blog, you can go to Blogger's Dashboard, and there is something that says "Reading List" to the left. Under that there is a button to "Add" and you just copy and paste the URL in there, then you've added a blog to your reading list! Hope I didn't just serve to confuse you...

    2. I see it! I'd never have figured that out without a lot of hair pulling. Thank you!

  3. Hi Shona - fellow former lurker here too! Good luck with the rest of the course.

  4. Very strange - I wrote virtually the same thing about Thing 2 as you! Glad to know that I'm not the only natural "lurker" out there.
